Research on Knowledge Reasoning in Multi-Agent System Based on Dynamic Epistemic Logic 略论认知语境在语篇推理中的局限性基于动态认知逻辑的多主体系统知识推理研究
The foreign systems of multi-modal epistemic logic present some pitfalls on epistemological base and the uses of axioms. 国外的多模态认知逻辑系统在认识论基础和公理的使用上存在不足。
According to such tri-partitioning of epistemic worlds, doubting logic which researches logic relationship among propositions of doubting world is independent. 有了这样的划分,研究怀疑世界中的认知命题之间的逻辑关系的怀疑逻辑是独立的,它不能通过信念逻辑的变形而得到。
Study of an Epistemic Description Logic with Transitive Roles 一种带传递关系的认知描述逻辑研究
Epistemic Cord logic: verifying anonymous routing protocols in Ad Hoc network 知性Cord逻辑:验证adhoc网络匿名路由协议
However, it is difficult to apply the present theory of epistemic logic to the practice of AI. 然而,目前认知逻辑的研究成果却难于应用于人工智能的实践之中。
Dynamic Epistemic Logic Incorporated with Group Knowledge 带有群体知识的动态认知逻辑
Epistemic logic ( 4): on the Decidability of epistemic logic 认识逻辑(4):关于认识逻辑的可判定性
Reasoning Inconsistency among Viewpoints Using Temporal Epistemic Logic 多视点间不一致性的认知推理
On Epistemic Logic and Epistemic Problems 有关知道逻辑和知道问题的探讨
Epistemic logic ( 1): a logical framework for knowledge and belief 认识逻辑(1):关于知识和信念的逻辑框架
The purpose of the research on epistemic logic is to provide effective tool for artificial intelligence. 认知逻辑研究的目的是为人工智能研究提供有力的工具。
Epistemic logic ( 3): on semantic tableau proof procedure 认识逻辑(3):基于语义tableau的证明理论
The semantics of this logic are given in terms of a general model of multi-agent system, closely related to the interpreted systems of epistemic logic. 该逻辑的语义是以一般的多Agent系统模型给出的,并且与认知逻辑的解释系统密切相关。
Secondly, the semantic method of possible world adopted by epistemic logic can not interpret epistemic sentences properly. 第二,认知逻辑理论所采用的可能世界语义学方法不能对认知语句做出合乎情理的解释。
Firstly, the epistemic logic lacks of procedural effectivenesss so that people can not construct proofs and deductions effectively according to epistemic logic. 第一,认知逻辑理论缺少可操作性,人们不能用能行的方法构造认知逻辑系统定理的证明和根据系统所进行的推演。
This paper presents an approach to the verification of temporal epistemic logic in synchronous multi-Agent systems via bounded model checking ( BMC). 提出在同步的多智体系统中验证时态认知逻辑的有界模型检测(BoundedModelChecking,简称BMC)算法。
Firstly, we adapt group knowledge in epistemic logic to the general cases. 本文首先把多主体认知逻辑中的群体知识推广到一般情形。
A Predicate System of Epistemic Logic with Bacon-formula 包含巴肯公式的认知谓词逻辑系统
We study the general features of those two types of reasoning. Then we make use of the method of updating models from dynamic epistemic logic to explain dynamics of information in deductive reasoning. 我们梳理了两类演绎推理的特征,然后利用动态认知逻辑中的模型更新方法,说明演绎推理中信息的动态变化。
The temporal epistemic logics used here are derived from the branching-time logic CTL by incorporating these epistemic modalities representing agents 'knowledge, belief, desire and intention. 这里提出的时态认知逻辑是在分支时态逻辑CTL~语言中加入表示智能体知识,信念,愿望或意图的认知模态词后得到的。
Dynamic epistemic logic ( DEL) is a relatively new field of research in recent years. 动态认知逻辑是近年来一个相对比较新的研究领域。
Another difference between epistemic modal logic and traditional modal logic is that the epistemic operator which epistemic modal logic uses is only semi-penetrated. 认识的模态逻辑与传统模态逻辑的另一个不同之处是,前者所构造的认识算子,仅仅具有认识上的半渗透性。
By the method of updating model from dynamic epistemic logic, we give cognitive analysis for various types of inductive reasoning, and construct cognitive models which explain features of inductive reasoning. 借用当代动态认知逻辑中的模型更新的方法,我们对各种归纳推理形式进行了认知分析,构造了认知模型,说明了归纳推理的特征。